“Each council shall elect a clerk who shall record the transactions of the council, keep its rolls of membership and attendance,
maintain any required registers, preserve its records, and furnish extracts from them when required by another council of the church.” G-3.0104

Presbytery Reports

Statistical Report

The Annual Statistical Report is a SESSION REPORT and DOES NOT require the approval of the congregation. 

The Presbytery Office cannot change membership numbers; church membership numbers are based on this report's successful completion. Churches are responsible for completing the annual statistical report. The membership numbers reported to the General Assembly are the basis for each church's Per Capita Assessment; the membership numbers reported for 2022 are the basis for 2024 Per Capita Assessment.

Directory Up-Date Report

The Presbytery of Long Island's Directory is available on our website. Please take a moment to review the Churches and Ministers' parts of the directory and email Laurie Vu at laurie@presbyterofli.org of any changes to your Church and Pastor.

This is password protected please contact Laurie Vu if you don't already have the password. 

Session Minutes Review

Session Minutes Review & Clerk of Session Appreciation Brunch

RSVP By January 31, 2025

Click here for the invitation

Session Members

Necrology List

    • Due October 17, 2025 (But can be sent anytime before) to laurie@presbyterofli.org
    • Annually, we remember and give thanks to God for the lives and service to the elders who died during the past year at our last Stated Meeting on November 15, 2025
    • Necrology-Form