NYS Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Required annually by New York State

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Boundary Training Required every three years by Book of Order (G-3.0106)

Safe Gatherings is an approved online boundary training for those serving as pulpit supply. For Pastors, CREs, and inquirers/candidates: if you missed the boundary training program that the Presbytery provided in Oct of 2023, you can take the Safe Gatherings training to comply with the requirement this year, and you will be required to take the next in-person training that will be provided by the Presbytery every three years (next one will be in 2026).

Safe Gatherings Instructions

To access the online program, go to https://safegatherings.com/

Click "Clergy Ethics Course" (seven-module, two-hour course) $29.00

Child & Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Required every three years by Book of Order (G-3.0106)

Training through the Insurance Board's online Praesidium Academy

Please complete the following three modules

  • Abuse Prevention Refresher (45 mins)
  • Keeping Your Church Safe (20 mins)
  • Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter (30 Mins)

You will need to contact the Presbytery office to receive an invitation to Praesidium. 

Website - https://www.praesidiumacademy

Praesidium Academy customer service at 817-801-7773