The Committee on Preparation for Ministry provides care and oversight for all Inquirers, Candidates, and potential Commissioned Ruling Elders for the ministry under the care of the Presbytery.
CRE-Constitutional Authorization
Book of Order 2023-2025
G-2.1001 Functions
When the presbytery, in consultation with one or more sessions or other responsible committee, determines that its strategy for mission requires it, the presbytery may authorize a ruling elder to be commissioned to limited pastoral service as a commissioned pastor also known as commissioned ruling elder as assigned by the presbytery. A ruling elder so designated may be commissioned to serve one or more validated ministries of the presbytery. Presbytery, in its commission, may authorize the ruling elder to moderate the session of the congregation or congregations to which he or she is commissioned, to administer the Sacraments, and to officiate at marriages where permitted by state law. This commission shall also specify the term of service, which shall not exceed three years but shall be renewable. The presbytery shall review the commission at least annually.
G-2.1002 Training, Examination and Commissioning
A ruling elder who seeks to serve under the terms of G-2.1001 shall receive such preparation and instruction as determined by the presbytery to be appropriate to the particular commission. Such preparation shall include a certificate of completion of boundary training, which includes the topic of sexual misconduct, and child sexual abuse prevention training with recertification at least every thirty-six months. The presbytery shall determine which trainings are approved to meet the criteria of these two requirements. The ruling elder shall be examined by the presbytery as to personal faith, motives for seeking the commission, and the areas of instruction determined by presbytery. A ruling elder who has been commissioned and later ceases to serve in the specified ministry may continue to be listed as available to serve, but is not authorized to perform the functions specified in G2.1001 until commissioned again to a congregation or ministry by the presbytery.
G-2.1003 Commissioning Service
When the presbytery is satisfied with the qualifications of a ruling elder to serve a congregation providing the services described above, it shall commission the ruling elder to pastoral service as designated by the presbytery, employing the questions contained in W-4.04.
G-2.1004 Supervision
The ruling elder commissioned under the terms of G-2.1001 shall work under the supervision of the presbytery. The presbytery may at any time withdraw the commission for reasons it deems good and sufficient. A minister of the Word and Sacrament shall be assigned as a mentor and supervisor.