The Committee on Preparation for Ministry provides care and oversight for all Inquirers, Candidates, and potential Commissioned Ruling Elders for the ministry under the care of the Presbytery.

Knowledge Base for Ministry

Depending on the kind of ministry for which they are preparing, candidates will have an individual education plan to develop basic theological and practical knowledge in one or more areas. Their learning goals may include:

  1. Biblical knowledge and understanding, including a general acquaintance with the Old and New Testament; an overview of Biblical history and sources of various texts; and a mastery of the basic skills of exegesis of English texts, including acquaintance with a range of secondary resources.
  2. Knowledge of major topics in Christian theology and understanding of key themes in Reformed theology.
  3. General knowledge of Christian history, including a basic knowledge of Presbyterian history and the content and significance of the Presbyterian confessions
  4. Fundamentals of preaching, worship leadership, pastoral care, organizational leadership, Presbyterian polity, and Christian education.
  5. Training in Administering the Sacraments and Officiating at Weddings and Funeral

Competency Demonstrations

For each learning goal, the CPM will administer a competency assessment that evaluates the achievement of each goal. Candidates who do not perform adequately on the competency demonstrations may be required to undertake additional preparation and some may be counseled not to seek a commission. Successful candidates will demonstrate their competence in the areas in which they seek to do ministry, such as:

  • The capacity regularly to preach clear, engaging sermons that are faithful to their biblical texts and theologically sound
    *A candidate might be required to preach a sermon in front of CPM and/or COM
  • The ability to administer the sacraments and to plan and lead worship
    *A candidate might be required to submit a church service bulletin that he or she designed as well as a discussion paper focusing on the flow of worship. Additionally, the candidate may be asked by CPM and/or COM demonstrate competency in administering the sacraments.
  • The ability to function as an educator in the local church, organizing and overseeing a church school program, leading adult Bible study, and instructing members in the basics of Christian faith and Presbyterian and Reformed tradition.
    *The candidate might be required to do one or more of the following:

    a) Create leadership preparation curriculum for church officers, using Book of Order and ordination
    questions (including those for the congregation)
    b) Design, with the church officers, above course for adult education, led by the officers
    c) Create a plan for teacher recruitment, preparation, and support for one year of programming
  • The skills of leadership and administration and the knowledge of Presbyterian polity and procedures needed to enable a local church to function smoothly and to make progress toward achieving its mission.
    *The candidate might show that he or she took and passed a course on Presbyterian polity
  • The pastoral skill required to care for persons at critical points in their lives and the capacity to identify problems that require referral.
    *The candidate might submit two verbatim of pastoral care encounters to the CPM.
All persons in the care process must submit their paperwork for each CPM meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting for which they are scheduled to meet with the commission. Please email paperwork to the Presbytery office at 
Please note: the receipt of paperwork in this timely manner allows each member of CPM to read your forms and be fully prepared to discern with you during the meeting. If forms are not received by the due date, inquirers/candidates/Commissioned Ruling Elders will be rescheduled to a future meeting.
Questions please call the Presbytery office 631-499-7171