The Committee on Preparation for Ministry provides care and oversight for all Inquirers, Candidates, and potential Commissioned Ruling Elders for the ministry under the care of the Presbytery.
Candidate Phase
The purpose of the Candidacy Phase is to provide for the full preparation of persons to serve the church as ministers of the Word and Sacrament. This shall be accomplished through the presbytery’s support, guidance, and evaluation of a candidate’s fitness and readiness for a call to ministry requiring ordination (G-2.0604).
Required Elements Before Seeking to Advance Beyond the Candidate Phase
The Candidate Phase typically begins after the end of the first year of seminary and before the beginning of the final year of seminary. It is often acceptable to complete some of these elements, such as CPE and/or a church internship, during the Inquirer Phase if it works best for your schedule. You should check with your CPM liaison before doing so.
- Complete at least one full year under care of CPM during the Candidate Phase, including annual consultations.
Submit Form 3, “Pre-consultation Report on Development Areas” through your CPM liaison at least two weeks prior to every annual consultation.
- Continue your active participation in a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation.
- Complete a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). Send a copy of your final evaluation to CPM through your liaison.
- Complete the equivalent of two semesters of one-day-per-week supervised field education in a PC(USA) parish setting that is approved in advance by CPM. You should coordinate this internship through your seminary’s Field Education office to ensure it meets your educational requirements as well. It is not acceptable to serve this internship in your home church, whether or not your seminary grants credit for the experience. Send a copy of all evaluations to the Presbytery office. The CPM reserves the right to require a second year of field education in a Presbyterian Church due to circumstances and/or readiness for a call.
- Complete training on the PC(USA) sexual misconduct policy or such training provided by your seminary.
- Pass all PC(USA) Ordination Exams. These shall be completed during your Candidate Phase, with the exception of the Bible Content Exam, which was already passed during your Inquiry Phase. (The Handbook on Ordination Examinations)